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Autor Tema: Poliquin's Top 10 Carb Intake Rules For Optimal Body Composition  (Pročitano 10382 puta)

Van mreže The_Bulldog

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Poliquin's Top 10 Carb Intake Rules For Optimal Body Composition
« poslato: Oktobar 21, 2009, 12:12:02 pre podne »
Poliquin's Top 10 Carb Intake Rules For Optimal Body Composition
By Charles Poliquin
April 13, 2009

1. Elimate grains, particularly wheat. This is the most important principle regarding carb intake. Wheat influences blood sugar levels the same way as plain table sugar.

2. Yes, eliminate grains, part II: Gliadin family grains such as oats, wheat, spelt are the most common food allergen. People of the Celtic ancestry, like the Irish, are more likely to be gluten allergic. Besides raising insulin levels in the body and their rapid carb intake, grains also release cortisol in response to the stressor, than a food allergen is.

3. The main source of carbs should be fibrous. Fibrous carbs typically have very low carb content. Their inherent high fiber brings about a very moderate insulin response, thus making them an ideal fat loss food. The best sources of fibrous carbs include:
- Broccoli
- Lettuce
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Mushrooms
- Green beans
- Onions
- Asparagus
- Cucumber
- Spinach
- All forms of peppers
- Zucchini
- Cauliflower

4. The darker the fruit, the better it is for you. Dark fruits tend to have very thin skin, (hence they need to produce more anti-oxidants to protect themselves from the sun). That is why darker fruits are great anti-inflammatory foods. Bananas have thick skins therefore they have lower anti-oxydants contents.

5. The darker the fruit, the better it is for you, part II. The darker the fruit, the lower the glycemic load. Again, compare berries, and cherries to bananas and pineapple. Of course, this applies to fruits in their natural state; when grapes become raisins, while their glycemic index goes up because of dehydration of the fruit.

6. Replace grains with greens in sandwiches.This one is promoted by Jonny Bowden, author 'Living The Low Carb Life': Instead of using bread, use dark leafy greens to wrap the meat. It will slow down the glycemic index and help shift in your favor the acid/alkaline base.

7. Limit fructose intake. Even though fruits are great foods loaded with nutrients, they also contain fructose. Fructose in too high quantities can slow down thyroid function and increase glycation. Glycation in laymen's term is browning, like the browning that makes crust in bread. Glycation is the cross linking of proteins (and DNA molecules) caused by sugar aldehydes reacting with the amino acids on the protein molecule and creating Advance Glycosylation End-products (AGE's). If you want to see protein cross linking in action, cut an apple in half and watch it turn yellow! Very few people realize that glucose can go through oxidation. Why is the worst glycation agent fructose? Because it does not raise insulin. In other words, the insulin is not getting it into muscle cells. Therefore, it lingers around and wrecks metabolic havoc. As nutrition expert Robert Crayhon would say: "fructose is like the guest that won't go home once the party is over". Crayhon recommends that the average American should eat no more than 5-10 grams of fructose a day! For very active individuals, 20 grams of fructose should be the maximum intake.

One of the worst sources of glycating fructose are the 'weight loss' bars containing high fructose corn syrup, like the ones sold by a famous Texan verbally abusive lawyer turned weight loss guru.

To check for glycation levels, ask your doctor to measure the concentration of glycated hemoglobin in your blood. In England, a study revealed that this is one of the best measured tests able to predict mortality. Far better than cholesterol, blood pressure and body mass index.

8. The best time to load up in carbs is the first 10 minutes following your workout. Since insulin sensitivity is at its highest after the workout, this is the time to take in your carbs to maximize muscle mass gains. Originally based on the research that was available at the time, I typically recommended 2 g/Kg of bodyweight. Over the years, after being exposed to more research and discussing it with my colleagues, I have come to the conclusion that it should be a reflection of the training volume for the training session. The greater the number of reps per training unit, the greater the carbohydrate intake. Of course, one can assume that all reps are equal. A squatting or deadlifting rep is more demanding than a curling or triceps extension rep. By the same token, 3 reps slow tempo squats has different caloric demand than 3 reps in the power clean. As a general rule, I would recommend the following carbohydrate intake based on training volume for a given workout:

- 12-72 reps per workout : 0.6 g/Kg/LBM
- 73-200 reps per workout : 0.8 g/kg/LBM
- 200-360 reps per workout : 1.0 g/kg/LBM
- 360-450 reps per workout : 1.2 g/kg/LBM

Regarding the source of carbohydrates post-workout, I have experimented with various sources, I like using fruit juices with a high glycemic index (i.e. pineapple, grape) to provide 30-40% of the carbs, the rest of the carbs coming from carb powders ranging from dextrose to various types of malto-dextrin. For variety sake, I will use different types of juice like a berry blend. You can also any type of mushy fruit like bananas or peaches. For seriously underweight athletes, I may use pineapple and/or corn flakes to drive the glycemic index upwards. Instead of using maltodextrin, you can also use dessicated honey.

9. Use insulin sensitivity supplements with high-carb post workout meals. Nutrients like taurine, arginine, magnesium, R-form alpha lipoic acid etc.. will help dispose of glucose to muscle cells instead of fat cells.

10. Add protein to your post-workout carb intake. Using 15 g of protein for every 50 lbs of bodyweight, will increase glycogen storage by as much as 40%.

Van mreže Polomac

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Odg: Poliquin's Top 10 Carb Intake Rules For Optimal Body Composition
« Odgovor #2 poslato: Oktobar 21, 2009, 12:25:37 posle podne »
jel neko probao ovaj sistem ?

Van mreže malibuilder

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Odg: Poliquin's Top 10 Carb Intake Rules For Optimal Body Composition
« Odgovor #3 poslato: Oktobar 22, 2009, 09:41:40 pre podne »
Ma Poliquin je stara baraba koja je skontala (kao i vecina) da se UH treba ukinuti ne samo u sportu, nego i u svakoj sferi života...Poenta je da u sustini da se sva njega istraživanja i experimentisanja sa sportistima zasnivaju na testiranjima na razne alergente i suficite/deficite mikroelemenata u organizmu i onda se pronalazi neka generalna šema po kojoj samo kinezi (25% svetske populacije) imaju evoluirani gastrointestinalni sistem da može relativno efikasno da vari UH. Pošto se pšenica toliko genetski modifikovala vekovima i sada poseduje mnogo drugačiji odnos UH/P pa je i sama mogucnost razvijanja alergije na gluten mnogo veca...

Inače istu ovu pricu je pričao Vince Gironda tamo negde 50tih godina proslog veka, a danas se to zove ketogena dijeta, a za siroke narodne mase je to modifikovana verzija Atkinsove dijete, tj. druga verzija iste gde je receno da se voće treba uzimati, ali u određenim količinama baš zbog fruktoze...

Dakle čitava priča se svodi na tu manipulaciju insulinom kako bi se povecala misicna masa, a umanjio procenat telesne masti. A onog trenutka kada se, recimo iz naše domaće kuhinje izbace UH (brašno i slično) automatski ode 60% kalorija i ko ne izgubi telesnu mast znači ima ozbiljan poremećaj u telu. A to da se posle treninga valja uneti UH je prica stara ko i BB, samo sto se ovih cifara tice, jbg koce biti toliko analitičan, ali većina Poliquinovih principa su extremno efikasni pa bih rekao da su i ove cifre dosta blizu onim pravima...
...sve stvari čuvaj za starost, samo \"onu\" troši u mladosti...

Van mreže malibuilder

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Odg: Poliquin's Top 10 Carb Intake Rules For Optimal Body Composition
« Odgovor #4 poslato: Oktobar 22, 2009, 10:31:20 pre podne »
pa i nije fora u tome, prvo brokoli i kupus ti nece dati nikakvu energetsku vrednost jer je veci deo tog povrce od vlaknastih Uh, sto znaci da ih nas organizam zbog celuloze ne može da vari, jbg slepo crevo nam je slepo, tj. zakržljalo...ali Poliquinova teorija, kao i Girondina se zasniva na tome da ljudi ionako slabo podnose insulinske reakcije koje izaziva unos UH (prosti ili iz nekih razgranatih lanaca) tako da ce vecina UH i da ode u telesnu mast...njihova teorija je da ce hrana tipa junece meso i jaja izazvati istu insulinsku reakciju ali mnogo sporiju i samim time mnogo efikasniju za sportistu. To je recimo Gironda zvao power breakfast koji se sastojao o jaja i govedje snicle i govorio je da na jednom takvom obroku bodibilder može da funkcioniše i napreduje ceo dan...

moje licno iskustvo govori da je ketogena dijeta ubedljivo najefikasnija u skidanju masnih naslaga sa tela, ali sam skonto isto tako da mi telo pocinje trositi dosta aminokiselina za energiju (javlja se karakteristican miris amonijaka u znoju), tako da je ovo dobar sistem kada su finalne pripreme za takmicenje u pitanju, ali tokom godine ili za rekreativce ili entuzijaste ciklična keto dijeta koja podrazumeva odredjeni unos Uh na svaka 3 ili 4 dana je možda bolji izbor.

E sad, koje izvore UH koristiti to je tek priča sama za sebe...niko ili velika većina ne može da vrši redovna testiranja na alergije ili da vrši neki monitoring krvne slike toliko često da bi shvatili koje Uh najlakse varimo tako da ostaje samo primitivan metod samo procene, gde bi se vrsio unos neke vrste UH na dve nedelje i onda preispitali rezultati, sto je recimo metod kojim sam ja skontao da ne mogu da podnesem ništa drugo osim ovsenih (a i njih na pola), tako da se vise recimo držim krompira i pirinca kao nekog primarnog izvora UH...

e da fora sa zelenim povrćem koje Poliquin spominje je isključivo zbog bolje regulacije sistema varenja jer naš organizam kada detektuje vlaknaste UH i dalje pokušava da ih svari, što počinje u tenkom crevu, gde se vuče voda u creva kako bi se varenje olakšalo, a nastavlja se u debelom crevu gde ta vlakna bubre i šalju signal crevima da se pokreću i izbacuju nagomilanu hranu u obliku fecesa...dakle od zelenog povrća u organizam odu minerali i vitamini i eventualno nešto malo svarenih UH, ali većina se izbaci iz organizma ali je svakako bitno za regulaciju probave, što je verovatno najbitnija stvar kod visoko proteinskih dijeta, koje po pravilu zahtevaju viši unos masti (odnos je čini mi se 3/1 u koris proteina), a što opet stvara uslove za tvrdu stolicu, a da do toga ne bi došlo potrebno je uneti određenu količinu vlaknastih UH da bi se izregulisala sama stolica...
...sve stvari čuvaj za starost, samo \"onu\" troši u mladosti...