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Autor Tema: Q&A With Dave Palumbo 10.10.2009  (Pročitano 8376 puta)


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Q&A With Dave Palumbo 10.10.2009
« poslato: Oktobar 11, 2009, 05:23:51 posle podne »
 ;D ;D

What is exactly up with your shoulders? Anything surgery can't fix? Or just the structural integrity compromised?
DP: Loss of cartilage..........bone on bone............The muscles are strong......the joint is super painful whenever stabilization is necessary (which pretty much occurs on any upper body exercise)......machines are obviously better than free weights for me.
Hi Dave,
Appreciate it if you could answer the following:

1. Can I take Usnic acid alone, without the antioxdidants like Greentea, Vit E and Guggulsterones( The ones in Lipolyze). Is it safe to take Usnic acid without them?

2. Can someone with high blood pressure take the following:
a. Clenbuterol
b. T3
c. Lipolyze

3. Will doing your cutting diet without roids burn away too much muscle?

4. Is it advisable to take T3 and Clen while not on cycle?

1. The antioxidants are an added measure of protection...why wouldn't you take them?
2. Clen tends to lower blood pressure if you keep dosages at 20 to 100mcg per day Lipolyze has no stimulants and thus is very safe......and T3 if kept under 100mcg should be fine as well.
3. No, most natural competitors realizing that a ketogenic approach helps them preserve muscle even better since FAT is necessary to synthesize all steroidal hormones........ not to mention the necessity for essential fats is much greater for a natural athlete since it's easier to lose muscle if you don't provide your body with all the essential nutrients necessary for muscle synthesis and repair.
4 I don't recommend takeing T3 alone, but if you're taking clen or GH, they will certainly spare muscle
Dave what causes acne test or other androgenic stuff like tren deca etcc??? which is the worse and also whats the best way to prevent acne besides cleaning it stayin on anti estrogens??

DP: Acne can be caused by any increase in androgens in your body, which happens from any AAS. It occurs mostly for compounds that have a high conversion to DHT (such as testosterone, anadrol, and dbol). The best way to prevent it is to always keep your skin clean...that means clean sheets on the bed and always keep clean shirts on. If your acne is really bad you can always try Actuane, which is a prescription drug.
hi dave, would almond nut oil be a good replacement for mac nut oil i stay in the uk and almond nut oil is much easier to find. thanks.

DP: NO, almond oil is predominantly an omega-6 fat and as we know, those fats can't be heated or used for cooking. Likewise, the metabolism -boosting effects of mac oil come from the high monounsaturated fat content.
Dave, do you recommend that natural bodybuilders take in a lot of saturated fats? I remember when you interviewed Dr. Mauro Di Pasquale and he said something to the effect that natural bodybuilders that ate a lot of saturated fats had higher testosterone levels then those with a lower intake.

DP: Saturated fats (specifically the cholesterol in them) are the building blocks of testosterone, but you can over-do it. An excess of saturated fat will not make excess testosterone and it MIGHT cause heart disease.
what is your opinion of sam e joint supplement?

does st johns wort have an estrogen like effect in the body,suppressing testosterone?

DP: SAMe has been shown to help joint repair to a certain extent; however, I never noticed very much relief from it and it's super expensive. It also needs to be specially encapsulated so it can't be easily combined with other joint ingredients.

St. John's Wort is essentially an herbal anti-depressant. I doubt it will suppress testosterone in any significant way in the body.
hey dave,
1.what kind of periodization protocol should one follow during a 16 week offseason......
2. is there any need of periodization during precontest.... now a bodybuilder cannot make stregth and size gains in precontest all we can do is mentain the high intensity to mentain the muscle .... now for a 16 week precontest if a person trains heavy and intense for 6 weeks and then 2 weeks of light training and then again go heavy for 8 weeks.... wud`nt he be risking muscle loss in those 2 weeks of light training.... even if he is on AAS and high protien and fats..... the lack of calories + light training and cardio wud eventually eat muscle in those 2 weeks.....or am i over thinking...
thank you

1. I don't micromanage training during a diet prep (it might be something that I'll offer in the future)....Having said that, I believe that while dieting, continue to lift heavy and with high intensity right up until the show!

Dave,have Q's regarding your off season mass keto for someone 250+.Have seen people saying there on it but i can't find it in this thread anywhere. Started one page one and am here now. Could u post it on let me know what page it is on. It's kinda like looking for a needle in a stack of needles. Thanks

DP: I don't recommend an OFFSEASON KETO MASS DIET..........I recommend carbs with the protein/fat. That diet appears on PAGE 1 of this thread!

Would you recommend alri restore over novedex xt, or are they similar products, are there any other alri products that you think are better than novedex xt.

DP: Both products do a great job in reducing the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. I'd probably combine it with a saw palmetto product to reduce DHT too. I'll be reformulating TESTOSTOLYZE in the near future.
Hi Dave. Am I at a greater risk of sudden death by using steroids and/or ephedrine if i have been diagnosed with HCM (hypertrophic cardiomyopothy)?

I have dabbled with steroids before, never used ephedrine.

DP: I wouldn't mess with any stimulants. Low dose testosterone replacement should be safe. Consult your physician.
Dave, do the enlarged intestines of bodybuilders that have abused growth hormone eventually return to normal upon cessation?

DP: Not likely...but this phenomenon is easily avoided if you don't abuse the drugs and you take breaks between usage. Unfortunately, the bulging bellies of many competitors have more to do with the person's structure than their drug usage. Pretty much all bbers use GH and yet only the ones with short torsos fall prey to the distended abdomens. Long torsos provide more room for the internal organs to expand to.
Dave so if insulin is the only hormone responsible for fat storage... and we minimize insulin by not eating carbs, can we still gain fat if were eating fat and protein

DP: If you overeat fat, it can get stored as fat....if you overeat protein it will get converted to glucose and cause insulin release........so the answer is YES, we can get fat from eating too much PROTEIN and FAT exclusively.

Lowest HDL EVER!! No one could help me on the other forum-

Today I had the glory of winning a prize in an event I didnt enter nor did I want to claim victory in.

My Dr stated I had the lowest HDL he has ever seen and as he went to comment on what supplementation I should take , I chimed in with I take

-2 Krill oil capsules per day
-6 fish oil
-Eat macadamia nuts

He could not believe it and had no answer adding 'thats strange'

What the hell is going wrong with me? My LDL is normal but on the high end but I can attribute that to cheese and meat.

I am not juiced either.

DP: Genetics! Blame your parents. Try taking 200mg NIACIN 2x per day.
1) Does Octopalean aid in fat loss at all?

2) You recommend taking GABA prior to bed for gh release. Should the GABA be cycled on and off or can it be taken year round? What is the idea dosage? I realize that no supplement can compare to true gh but in your opinion how effective is GABA at releasing gh?

1. No, I wouldn't bother with it. Waste of money.
2. It can be taken year round...try SPECIES SOMALYZE. GABA is a great GH releaser and it gives you a really restful night sleep. I compare it to a mild valium. They both work on the same receptors.
just curious ,at your best and strongest did your strength compair to joj or ben white

DP: I never trained for powerlifting...I only wanted to be a bodybuilder; however, my best lifts were 500 on the bench, 800 squat and 650 deadlift. Just thinking about that makes me cringe now!
do you think kevin levrone will compete agiain

DP: I would love to see it...but who knows????? Only Kevin knows for sure!
Davo, 3 questions???

1. Wat is your opinion on rests between sets. What do u recommend for optimal results????? growth???
2. What is the best way to take clenbuterol??? 2days on 2days off??? Or is there a loading phase with dosages???
3. How long should u cycle the clen, and how long should u stay off it before u cycle it again????

1. About 1-3 minutes is good depending on how heavy you're lifting. Enough time to catch your breath.
2. READ my old posts...Start with 20mcg per day and gradually add 20mcg every 2-3 weeks working up to a maximum dose of 120mcg...taper down after 16-20 weeks.
3. Stay off for a couple months before starting again.
hey Dave,
I know you stance on fish, flounder, tilapia, sole, salmon, tuna steaks, swordfish, cod and haddock. I dont like the fishyness of fish so if I eat it a tend to stay with the leaner fish? What about ShellFish? I am sure it all depends on the way that they are prepared as most end up fried or bathed in melted butter. I know shrimp packs a good protein punch out of the crustaceans, other common ones being lobster, crab, crayfish?.And the mollusks, the clams, mussels, oysters, and scallops. I am not a big fan of these but do they have a place in you diet regiment, for someone that has been following for sometime now, to try to change things up ever once in awhile?

I know you recommed Clen at 16wks length, correct if I'm wrong, but that length is with T3 support. IF one was to run Clen without the T3 to support it how long would you recommend? the tradition 2-3wks with daily increase or a longer time frame with changes in dosage ever few day to a week? Is there any OTC T3 type supp that is worth while to help stretch a cycle, or is it just better to just go either with or without T3 and no otc stuff? * I looked and looked for you Clen cycle in the past Q&A to see if it had anything to answer but could not find*

DP: While you're dieting, stick with the typical lean fishes or lean meats. Save the other stuff for the offseason. Most shellfish would fit into my LEAN PROTEIN meal schemes.

You can use clen without T3...dose it the same way you would with or without T3.
Hey Dave when it comes to trunks what are the best cut. French or flex cut? I have a taller torso. I'm 6'0

DP: It all depends on your body type. I'd hire a custom suit maker and have them cut something that fits you. "CJ" Cynthia James or Celeste (swimwear by Celeste) are two great suit-makers.

also on clen, for the 16wks you say start at 20mcg and increase in the amount every week or so depending on progress. Does the 16wks include 8-9 weeks tapering up and 7-8wks tapering down? I know t3 is a defnt taper up and down, and many people do the same with clen

DP: Over the course of 16 weeks, you gradually increase from 20mcg to 120mcg...you taper down after the 16 week diet.
When you take your cheat meal during the keto diet, could you use glucophage (metformin) 500mg before and after the meal right before bed to INSURE you return to ketosis asap. I know you suggest letting it take its course and dont binge, but it looks like this might be a safer route to go just to cover all bases. Wouldnt want to have to wait another 3 days to return to ketosis.
DP: It's one meal....if you don't lost your mind and eat the entire house, you'll be in ketosis by the next morning.

If you could judge a division of a show, which 3 would you pick? Why?


DP: Men's and women's bodybuilding because they're what I know best and bikini because it's fun.
DAVE, im takin Remeron (mirtzapine). i tried recently too come off but couldnt. i want to start cutting, can i still cut sucessfully while takin it?

DP: It shouldn't affect your diet, but if your moods are off, it can indirectly make dieting much more difficult. You want to be stable and chemically balanced.
another Q about your mass gaining diet with lower carbs and higher fats, im basically eating 7 meals with 50g of protein and 30g of fats, and take chaind out during training and during the night, im gaining weight, seems to be muscle aswell, i remember in a MD article you said carbs are like gravy, you can take or leave them, so im leaving them, and on this site you said gains are slower with low carbs, but isnt it becuase more 'lean muscle' is being gained, and insulin spikes seem to drive more fat storage for me than driving nutrients( maybe because im over 15% bodyfat). what do you think jumbo?

DP: Reduce your carbs if you're storing too much fat.
Hey Dave, i am natural and i was wondering if you ever heard of the supplement Gamma-O? if so do you think it works well?

DP: There aren't too many studies to support it's claims but give it a try.
You said that after medical school you lived at home with your parents to pay off debt. You also said it was when you were a 300 lb monster. What did your parents think? did they know you were 'using'?

DP: I lived with my dad and I think he "knew" but didn't want to ask! He always let me make my own decisions in life and I have to respect the guy for that. It must be hard not telling your kid what you think is best.
1. Hey dave if you were laying off the juice for a while but wanted to keep your estrogen levels a little lower for better fat burning, dryness ect. how much arimidex or aromisin or what would ya rec?

2. by the way what kind of vinegar is that ya use and what are the diffs between the apple, balsimic, and redwine, distledd white?

1. .Take 5 mg of arimidex every second day or every other day if you are really estrogenic.
2. The taste and origin are the differences...use one with no carbs (that means no balsalmic). Apple cider vinegar is really healthy and alkalinizing to the body!
1.dave you said to do about 3.0 no incline on tread for 120 to 130 beats a minute, it looks like when i do that im about 100 per minute, should i up the speed? and whats your opinoin on upping the incline? would ya say those polor HR monitors with the ecg chest strap are accurate ?

2. how much of the juice plus do you rec for the 200lb guy on the diet?
1. That's fine...all I said is keep it under 130 bpm. The heart rate monitors are accurate, but not necessary for my diet. Remember, keeping it under 130bpm doesn't mean you need to do 129bpm.........100 is probably fine.
2. I stick to the bottle recommendations of two fruit and two veggie per day! Down the road, I may come out with a higher potency powder version of the JUICE PLUS+.

Van mreže Donovan

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Odg: Q&A With Dave Palumbo 10.10.2009
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Oktobar 11, 2009, 07:44:36 posle podne »
Odlicno Spartak. :)