Kada ga je pitao jedan clan foruma sto se desilo sa Denisom Wolfom sto je razlog onakve forme, Milos je odgovorio :
Idiotic coaching perhaps? Roll Eyes
Dennis put his trust into his coach and knowing him - 99.9% for sure he followed instructions with utmost discipline and respect for his trainer/nutritionist (just like he did with me back in 2007 in all three shows I helped him prepare for...)- only Germans could do (and I don't say this in negative way - but sincerely, I think and say this in the most positive way - as known fact worldwide is that people from Germany are more than disciplined...).
Problem is that Chad is neither nutritionist nor a trainer - in any sense of that word...
His nutritional knowledge is pathetic - to say the least and can someone tell me what kind of trainer he really is...?
Go ahead and ask him any elemental nutritional or training questions and see how legitimate he really is..DOCTOR DIET Roll Eyes - he calls himself, I believe...
I also believe he misspelled second word - adding unnecessary "T" at the end...
So, I am really interested to find out what kind of excuse he'll have this time around...
Talking to his devastatingly disappointed wife Katja and daughter Sabrine after the prejudging - I saw a woman who was deeply in pain and all I could tell her - Dennis should come back to Koloseum...where he always knew what he is doing and why...