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Autor Tema: Dextroza u toku treninga  (Pročitano 52069 puta)

Van mreže Naturalni

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Odg: Dextroza u toku treninga
« Odgovor #15 poslato: Avgust 29, 2009, 03:07:05 posle podne »
znas ti.ne kvari temu!!!!!!:):):):)
Ubijam se od HEMIJE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Van mreže alexandar77

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Odg: Dextroza u toku treninga
« Odgovor #16 poslato: Avgust 29, 2009, 03:09:31 posle podne »
naturalac, pitanjce za tebe:

kako piješ tečne AK i glutamin+bcaa u toku treninga?
mislim na fizičko izvođenje te radnje :)

glutamin+bcaa smutiš u neki dozer, a tečne AK?

Van mreže Genius

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Odg: Dextroza u toku treninga
« Odgovor #17 poslato: Avgust 29, 2009, 03:11:32 posle podne »
znas ti.ne kvari temu!!!!!!:):):):)

vazi, posalo sam ti PM

Van mreže Naturalni

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Odg: Dextroza u toku treninga
« Odgovor #18 poslato: Avgust 29, 2009, 03:13:16 posle podne »
kad sam radio defku isao sam ovako
pre treninga

10g bcaa,10g gluta

u toku treninga

20g tecnih,5g bcaa,5g gluta u 1,5l vode


10g bcaa,5g gluta

posle svega toga

60g isolata,10g bcaa,10g gluta,10g dex,20g malto
Ubijam se od HEMIJE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Van mreže dzoniE

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Odg: Dextroza u toku treninga
« Odgovor #19 poslato: Avgust 29, 2009, 03:17:35 posle podne »
Onda bi znacilo da dex ne treba ni u pwm jer amino same po sebi ulaze brzo...dextroza sluzi kao brzi transport amino u misice, a naravno i za brzo popunjavanje gliko depoa koji je istrosen posle treninga. Pa zasto se ne bi onda pohranjivali sa nutritijentima i u toku treninga, a najpre na pocetku kada pocepana misicna vlakna traze hranu, a mislim da je efekat mnogo bolji tako...znaci amino, bcaa, dex, glutamin u toku treninga, a u pwm whey, dex, glutamin

Van mreže alexandar77

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Odg: Dextroza u toku treninga
« Odgovor #20 poslato: Avgust 29, 2009, 03:18:43 posle podne »
znači pomešaš tečne sa bcaa i glutaminom?
jel to može da se pije? :(

meni su tečne kao živog mrtvaca da jedem :)

Van mreže nenadns

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Odg: Dextroza u toku treninga
« Odgovor #21 poslato: Avgust 29, 2009, 03:20:18 posle podne »
aminokiselinama nije potreban transportni sistem...a sarcev zagovara dex u toku trening da bi sprecio pretvaranje tih istih aminokiselina (koje su pride poprilicno skupe) u energiju umesto da sluze za izgradjivanje misica...

Van mreže Genius

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Odg: Dextroza u toku treninga
« Odgovor #22 poslato: Avgust 29, 2009, 03:21:42 posle podne »
Onda bi znacilo da dex ne treba ni u pwm jer amino same po sebi ulaze brzo...dextroza sluzi kao brzi transport amino u misice, a naravno i za brzo popunjavanje gliko depoa koji je istrosen posle treninga. Pa zasto se ne bi onda pohranjivali sa nutritijentima i u toku treninga, a najpre na pocetku kada pocepana misicna vlakna traze hranu, a mislim da je efekat mnogo bolji tako...znaci amino, bcaa, dex, glutamin u toku treninga, a u pwm whey, dex, glutamin

Pa ne mozes da paris u TOKU i POSLE... tecne amino kiseline su te koje su brze i koje se piju u toku treninga... nemas njih u pwm-u... zbinio si se ti nesto...

Van mreže Naturalni

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Odg: Dextroza u toku treninga
« Odgovor #23 poslato: Avgust 29, 2009, 03:22:04 posle podne »
Onda bi znacilo da dex ne treba ni u pwm jer amino same po sebi ulaze brzo...dextroza sluzi kao brzi transport amino u misice, a naravno i za brzo popunjavanje gliko depoa koji je istrosen posle treninga. Pa zasto se ne bi onda pohranjivali sa nutritijentima i u toku treninga, a najpre na pocetku kada pocepana misicna vlakna traze hranu, a mislim da je efekat mnogo bolji tako...znaci amino, bcaa, dex, glutamin u toku treninga, a u pwm whey, dex, glutamin
da popunis gligogen pa popuni ga pirincem posle tegova,ti potrosis sigurno minimum oko 100g i sta sad treba da uneses 100g dex??ja uzimam plafon 40g uh posle treninga kada pijem whey ili isolat,a kad pijem amino tablete ili tecne posle treninga,onda ne uzimam nista od secera nego lepo kuci i na klopu pirinac+meso.PO MENI JE GLUPAVO PITI DEX U TOKU TRENINGA I NE ZNAM KO TO RADI a da nije na insulinu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ubijam se od HEMIJE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Van mreže bebac

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Odg: Dextroza u toku treninga
« Odgovor #24 poslato: Avgust 29, 2009, 03:24:14 posle podne »
aminokiselinama nije potreban transportni sistem...a sarcev zagovara dex u toku trening da bi sprecio pretvaranje tih istih aminokiselina (koje su pride poprilicno skupe) u energiju umesto da sluze za izgradjivanje misica...


Pisaću opširnije samo da završim trening ;)
Hrabrost je kada činite ono čega se bojite. Ne može biti hrabrosti ako se ne bojite!

Van mreže dzoniE

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Odg: Dextroza u toku treninga
« Odgovor #25 poslato: Avgust 29, 2009, 03:26:13 posle podne »

Pa ne mozes da paris u TOKU i POSLE... tecne amino kiseline su te koje su brze i koje se piju u toku treninga... nemas njih u pwm-u... zbinio si se ti nesto...

Janapisah amino u toku, a whey u pwm...

Van mreže Naturalni

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Odg: Dextroza u toku treninga
« Odgovor #26 poslato: Avgust 29, 2009, 03:26:33 posle podne »
aminokiselinama nije potreban transportni sistem...a sarcev zagovara dex u toku trening da bi sprecio pretvaranje tih istih aminokiselina (koje su pride poprilicno skupe) u energiju umesto da sluze za izgradjivanje misica...
JA MISLIM DA JE u tom textu mislio na vitargo?a dex piti u toku treninga i ne uzimati insulin je glupost ziva,jedino me pedja moze ISPRAVITI
Ubijam se od HEMIJE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Van mreže nenadns

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Odg: Dextroza u toku treninga
« Odgovor #27 poslato: Avgust 29, 2009, 03:32:58 posle podne »
Ovo je preuzeto sa  Sarcevovog Q&A na RxMuscle.com - http://forums.rxmuscle.com/showthread.php?t=483&page=2

Before developing and marketing your KNS, you were an avid supporter of Vitargo. I remember over 2 yrs ago when I saw your article in Flex where you described pre/intra/post workout drink concoctions. You were a very strong advocate of using vitargo.
I have 2 questions...
Are you still a strong advocate of Vitargo?
AND..when you finally developed your own delivery system with KNS...from what I see, not only did you NOT use vitargo, but your actual carbohydrate blend is a small blend of dextrose and malto. Your KNS system doesnt have NEARLY the amount of carbs in any of the 3 mixes that you were suggesting in Flex with Vitargo use.

Or do you simply have your athletes take Preload, XXpload, and Reload with added Vitargo in each?

I love Vitargo and I think it is excellent product...but IF amount of carbs taken at any specific time DOES NOT EXCEED 70-75 grams - than simple dextrose or mix dextrose/maltodextrin/and touch of sucrose does EXACTLY the same thing![providing your drink is made as maximally 8-10% solution (to make easy example: 100grams of powder diluted in 1000ml = 1liter of water)...for reasons high molecular glucose polymers were invented in the first place: osmolility problems often occurring when too much glucose monomers, dimers, oligomers and low molecular weight polymers are used in solutions with inadequate, or rather insufficient amount of water...

Simply - if your "drink" makes you run to the bathroom (well how should I say this? Well - I guess in English: due to diarrhea - your drink didn't have enough water...)

I would certainly like to point out THE MOST IMPORTANT reasons we would take any carbs during the training or immediately before or after: spiking the insulin with elevation of the blood sugar (glucose)...And dextrose is absolutely IDEAL up to 70-75 grams level (otherwise you would think glucose test in US hospitals would use Vitargo instead?)...advantage Vitargo has [where difference is definitely IN FAVOR of Vitargo over dextrose/mix] is when someone uses more than 75 grams of carbohydrate powder in any "chosen drink"...

Van mreže nenadns

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Odg: Dextroza u toku treninga
« Odgovor #28 poslato: Avgust 29, 2009, 03:36:53 posle podne »
I don't understand the science or reasoning behind Vitargo only being worthwhile in increments of 75g or more. To me...that means that it only works better at that or higher a dose...and a lower dose has NO benefit over dextrose.
That possibly being the case, can you explain why you say that and how you came to that conclusion?

Vitargo is HIGH MOLECULAR WEIGHT glucose polymer with ONE benefit over low molecular weight polymers, oligomers, dimers or monomers: FASTER gastric emptying due to favorable osmolility....

What I am saying is:

if someone is using serving of 75 grams of carbs (or less) - Vitargo will show very little advantage over EVERYTHING ELSE (above mentioned)...as AMOUNT of powder - regardless if it is glucose/maltodextine/sucrose....properly diluted (making sure we are not making solution that is above 8-10%) - would act pretty much the same...

While Vitargo is "instantly" leaving your stomach - "other saccharides" should create "osmolitic disturbance" - or draw fluid into our gut...rather than out...Well, that's what Vitargo science wants us to believe...and i did take there science seriously...

So much so that everyone I was advising - started using Vitargo exclusively...
But, many of my gym members that tried Vitargo - told me they feel no difference AT ALL - using my other choices of carbs...and I experimented for myself (as always - I am my own guinea pig...)...and came with same conclusion...

However, when using 100-120 or 150 grams of carbs in a drink...than I can attest for MAJOR difference in osmolility/gastric emptying - in favor of Vitargo...

Van mreže nenadns

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Odg: Dextroza u toku treninga
« Odgovor #29 poslato: Avgust 29, 2009, 03:40:38 posle podne »
i ovo je njegov odgovor na pitanje zasto je pozeljno koristiti pre i during carbs:

I want to point out that REASONS to have any carbs for training (right before and during) is to:

1- get enough glucose floating around that could fuel us for intense workout
2- spare glycogen and/or glycogenic amino-acids that are rather VERY EXPENSIVE and contrary to what companies want you to know - it is NOT necessary spending $$$ to use ANY amino acids and especially not ESSENTIAL or should I even suggest BCAA - as a fuel...when those super valuable amino acids SHOULD have much better physiological function than - "burning in flame" as energy nutrient instead of building nutrient leucine, isoleucine and valine SHOULD BE
3-spike the insulin by creating hyperglycemia or high blood sugar...as INSULIN could and will be - your best friend DURING THE TRAINING and not your worst enemy...like many believe.../about that - later/