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Autor Tema: FDA Warns Consumers to Stop Using Hydroxycut Products  (Pročitano 6481 puta)

Van mreže Polomac

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FDA Warns Consumers to Stop Using Hydroxycut Products
« poslato: Maj 03, 2009, 03:18:32 posle podne »

FDA Warns Consumers to Stop Using Hydroxycut Products
Dietary Supplements Linked to One Death; Pose Risk of Liver Injury

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning consumers to immediately stop using Hydroxycut products by Iovate Health Sciences Inc., of Oakville, Ontario and distributed by Iovate Health Sciences USA Inc. of Blasdell, N.Y. Some Hydroxycut products are associated with a number of serious liver injuries. Iovate has agreed to recall Hydroxycut products from the market.

The FDA has received 23 reports of serious health problems ranging from jaundice and elevated liver enzymes, an indicator of potential liver injury, to liver damage requiring liver transplant. One death due to liver failure has been reported to the FDA. Other health problems reported include seizures; cardiovascular disorders; and rhabdomyolysis, a type of muscle damage that can lead to other serious health problems such as kidney failure.

Liver injury, although rare, was reported by patients at the doses of Hydroxycut recommended on the bottle. Symptoms of liver injury include jaundice (yellowing of the skin or whites of the eyes) and brown urine. Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, light-colored stools, excessive fatigue, weakness, stomach or abdominal pain, itching, and loss of appetite.
“The FDA urges consumers to discontinue use of Hydroxycut products in order to avoid any undue risk. Adverse events are rare, but exist. Consumers should consult a physician or other health care professional if they are experiencing symptoms possibly associated with these products,” said Linda Katz, M.D., interim chief medical officer of the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.
Hydroxycut products are dietary supplements that are marketed for weight-loss, as fat burners, as energy-enhancers, as low carb diet aids, and for water loss under the Iovate and MuscleTech brand names.  The list of products being recalled by Iovate currently includes:

Hydroxycut Regular Rapid Release Caplets
Hydroxycut Caffeine-Free Rapid Release Caplets
Hydroxycut Hardcore Liquid Caplets
Hydroxycut Max Liquid Caplets
Hydroxycut Regular Drink Packets
Hydroxycut Caffeine-Free Drink Packets
Hydroxycut Hardcore Drink Packets (Ignition Stix)
Hydroxycut Max Drink Packets
Hydroxycut Liquid Shots
Hydroxycut Hardcore RTDs (Ready-to-Drink)
Hydroxycut Max Aqua Shed
Hydroxycut 24
Hydroxycut Carb Control
Hydroxycut Natural

Although the FDA has not received reports of serious liver-related adverse reactions for all Hydroxycut products, Iovate has agreed to recall all the products listed above. Hydroxycut Cleanse and Hoodia products are not affected by the recall. Consumers who have any of the products involved in the recall are advised to stop using them and to return them to the place of purchase. The agency has not yet determined which ingredients, dosages, or other health-related factors may be associated with risks related to these Hydroxycut products. The products contain a variety of ingredients and herbal extracts.

Health care professionals and consumers are encouraged to report serious adverse events (side effects) or product quality problems with the use of these products to the FDA's MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program online, by regular mail, fax or phone.

–Online:  www.fda.gov/MedWatch/report.htm
–Regular Mail: Use FDA postage paid form 3500 found at:  www.fda.gov/MedWatch/getforms.htm and mail to MedWatch, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20852-9787
–Fax: 800-FDA-0178
–Phone: 800-FDA-1088

The FDA continues to investigate the potential relationship between Hydroxycut dietary supplements and liver injury or other potentially serious side effects.


Van mreže NemanjaBG

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Odg: FDA Warns Consumers to Stop Using Hydroxycut Products
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Maj 07, 2009, 04:25:31 posle podne »
 Ovo sam i ja Polomac bas video pre neki dan na netu,i koji je tvoj zakljucak sto se tice ovog texta ?

Van mreže Deja

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Odg: FDA Warns Consumers to Stop Using Hydroxycut Products
« Odgovor #2 poslato: Maj 07, 2009, 07:47:54 posle podne »
Da sve moze biti stetno, zavisi od kolicine i sa cim se kombinuje ;)

(inace, neki apotekari uz jako popularan Gingko Biloba napominju da ne sme da se uzima sa Aspirinom! A to su dva prozivoda koja se nikako nece zabraniti)


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Odg: FDA Warns Consumers to Stop Using Hydroxycut Products
« Odgovor #3 poslato: Maj 08, 2009, 07:41:57 pre podne »

Van mreže Polomac

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Odg: FDA Warns Consumers to Stop Using Hydroxycut Products
« Odgovor #4 poslato: Maj 08, 2009, 08:38:19 pre podne »
Ovo sam i ja Polomac bas video pre neki dan na netu,i koji je tvoj zakljucak sto se tice ovog texta ?
Ma ko ce ih znati..ono sto kaze Spartak-Americka posla...
Mada u toj nekoj trci da se izmisli topla voda, u ovom slucaju nakon efedre Ma huang,spremni su da stave sve i svasta.
Verovatno mnogo neispitanih supstanci,eto poput nekih biljaka koje mogu biti toksicne...

Van mreže Pedja_Petrovic

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Odg: FDA Warns Consumers to Stop Using Hydroxycut Products
« Odgovor #5 poslato: Maj 08, 2009, 10:52:27 pre podne »
FDA je korumpirana kao i sve ostale americke usrane aganecije.
tako da ono sto oni objave je u tolikoj meri smesno da to boli..

Van mreže NemanjaBG

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Odg: FDA Warns Consumers to Stop Using Hydroxycut Products
« Odgovor #6 poslato: Maj 08, 2009, 12:56:27 posle podne »
 Tacno tako FDA je zapravo najveci trovac  od svih jer od njih sve krece...Medjutin i oni kazu neku pametnu stvar,odnosno sloze se sa nekim neoborivim dokazima o nekom dodatku ishrani koji je visestruko koristan za coveka.Gde ne moze da se kaze nista lose,jer ne mogu stalno da kontriraju ne bi im dobro prolazile lazi koje plasiraju ;)
« Poslednja izmena: Maj 08, 2009, 12:59:40 posle podne NemanjaBG »

Van mreže Pedja Stojnic

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Odg: FDA Warns Consumers to Stop Using Hydroxycut Products
« Odgovor #7 poslato: Maj 12, 2009, 03:13:38 posle podne »
Postoje interesantne cinjenice u vezi FDA koje mnogi ljudi ne znaju. Kada odredjena kompanija hoce da izbaci proizvod na trziste mora da prodje FDA kontrolu. Ta kontrola nije rigorozna kao sto ljudi misle. FDA zapravo zahteva od proizvodjaca odredjenog proizvoda da uradi i prezentira istrazivanje koje potvrdjuje ili negira sigurnost proizvoda za ljudsku upotrebu. To znaci da ja i Polomac mozemo da napravimo suplement i uradimo "istrazivanje"koje potvrdjuje da je bezbedan za ljudsku upotrebu i FDA ce odobriti nas proizvod. Na taj nacin su odobreni aspartam i ostali vestacki zasladjivaci i mngi drugi lekovi i suplementi koji su u stvari otrovi. E onda ako se pokaze da proizvod ubija ljude oni ga poviku sa trzista u slucaju manjih kompanija koje nemaju puno novca za lobiranje kao sto je to slucaj sa kompanijama koje proizvode suplemente. U slucaju velikih farmaceutskih kompanija cak i posto se dokaze da je lek opasan za ljudsku upotrebu oni izlobiraju da proizvod ostane na trzistu(aspatram) Zakljucak: nista nije 100% bezbedno za upotrebu. Najbezbedini proizvodi su oni koje je majka priroda stvorila i zapakovala.

Van mreže Polomac

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Odg: FDA Warns Consumers to Stop Using Hydroxycut Products
« Odgovor #8 poslato: Maj 12, 2009, 04:37:03 posle podne »
Konkretno u ovom slucaju Muscletech  ima ozbiljnu optuzbu na svoje proizvode iz te linije,a koliko se secam njima nije prvi
put da su imali problematicne proizvode.
Pre par godina u njihovim prah proizvodima su pronadjene nedozvoljene supstance.
Ta vest je tada buknula,ali vrlo brzo se pozar ugasio.Ja npr nisam imao prilike nista detaljnije kasnije o tom slucaju da procitam.
« Poslednja izmena: Maj 12, 2009, 09:03:25 posle podne Polomac »