Ultimate Nutrition signs on as title sponsor for 2009 Olympia Weekend
May 22, 2009
American Media, Inc, and the IFBB Professional League are proud to announce Ultimate Nutrition as the title sponsor for Joe Weider's 2009 Olympia Weekend.
Ultimate, one of the industry's leading supplement companies, is currently celebrating its 30th anniversary.
"Joe Weider's Olympia Weekend is the top event in the bodybuilding world, and it is a perfect match for Ultimate Nutrition products," said Brian Rubino, Vice President, Ultimate Nutrition. "Ultimate Nutrition has stood for quality and innovation for 30 years and having the opportunity to present the 2009 Joe Weider's Olympia Weekend is another great event of our 30th anniversary celebration."
Ultimate Nutrition presents Joe Weider's 2009 Olympia Weekend brought to you by Bodybuilding.com on September 24 through September 27 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
In men's bodybuilding, the 2009 Olympia is unquestionably the most competitive lineup in the 44-year history of the event. With defending champion Dexter Jackson, two-time champ Jay Cutler, Phil Heath, Kai Greene, Victor Martinez, Dennis Wolf, Melvin Anthony, Silvio Samuel, Toney Freeman, Dennis James, Branch Warren, Mo Elmoussawi and a host of others already slated to compete, the top 10 will be jam-packed with talent.
M-Tech nogiran... Ruuuuuhhhllll TOP 6!?