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Autor Tema: Palumbo dijeta  (Pročitano 35509 puta)

Van mreže Polomac

  • Super-heavyweight Member
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Odg: Palumbo dijeta
« Odgovor #75 poslato: Jun 04, 2009, 11:04:00 posle podne »
Ja koristim Mozillu.E ko je takodje koristi,aktivira se samo alat-download helper-i onda svaki klip,slika ,bez poteskoca se skida.
Inace jedan od mnostva sjajnih mozillinih alatki.

Van mreže The_Bulldog

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Odg: Palumbo dijeta
« Odgovor #76 poslato: Jun 04, 2009, 11:09:41 posle podne »
Inace jedan od mnostva sjajnih mozillinih alatki.
Slazem se....odlicna je....a alata koliko zelis

Van mreže nenadns

  • Middleweight Member
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Odg: Palumbo dijeta
« Odgovor #77 poslato: Jul 11, 2009, 08:06:58 posle podne »
Evo da dodam Palumbovu dijetu za off season :) koju je postavio na forumu :) ne zamerite sto me mrzi da prevedem :)


**Sandwich the pre and post-workout shake around your workout (wherever that may fall)

***you can have unlimited vegetables with your meals

6 whole eggs (buy the OMEGA-3 EGGS they sell in the supermarket) with 1 cup of Oatmeal (cooked)

MEAL 2: (pre-workout)
SHAKE: 55g Whey Protein** with 40g Waxy Maize*** (high molecular weight carbohydrate) with 1 tablespoon of Macadamia Nut Oil


MEAL 3: (post-workout)
SHAKE: 55g Whey Protein** with 50g Waxy Maize*** (high molecular weight carbohydrate).

“LEAN PROTEIN MEAL” 8oz (cooked) of chicken (or turkey or lean fish or shrimp)-- with ½ cup cashew nuts (or almonds or walnuts) with 1 cup (cooked) RICE (brown)

“FATTY PROTEIN MEAL” 8oz (cooked) of red meat (or salmon or swordfish) with a salad with 2 tablespoon of olive oil (or macadamia nut oil) and vinegar with 1 baked potato and/or yam

MEAL 6: Repeat One of Above

MEAL 7: 5 whole eggs

+++++ All meals are interchangeable. You can substitute one for another.

*** Cook your eggs in MACADAMIA NUT OIL and add a tablespoon to all your chicken fish, meats--

***ONCE or TWICE A WEEK, HAVE A CHEAT MEAL (make it the last meal of the day)

Van mreže Polomac

  • Super-heavyweight Member
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Odg: Palumbo dijeta
« Odgovor #78 poslato: Jul 11, 2009, 08:11:46 posle podne »

Van mreže nenadns

  • Middleweight Member
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Odg: Palumbo dijeta
« Odgovor #79 poslato: Jul 12, 2009, 12:26:32 pre podne »
opa izvinjavam se nisam znao da vec ima :) brisite