Na putu za Mr.O takmicenje tokom Olympia vikenda ce se odrzati 202 SHOWDOWN - takmicenje bodybuildera u kategoriji do 202 funte (oko 91.5 kg). Mass monsteri su stavljeni na stranu iocekuje se za promjenu borba izmedju Davida, a ne standardni fight David vs Goliath!
Ono sto cini ovo takmicenje jos zanimljivijim je sto je na svakom od 4 odrzana ovakava takmicenja u toku godine bilo 4 razlicita pobjednika. Kevin English (New York Pro), Ray Arde (Houston Pro), David Henry (Tampa Pro Bodybuilding Weekly Championships) i James "Flex" Lewis su svi zabiljezili po jedan trijumf u - 202 kategoriji.
Da li ce neko od njih ponijeti nagradu ili ce pak neko drugi sloziti kockice i biti najbolji vidjecemo 27. septembra tokom 202 Showdowna na Olympiji.
Takmicenje: 202 Showdown
Kada: Subota, 27. septembar 10:30 am
Gdje: Las Vegas Convention Center, South Hall
Ray Arde
Jason Arntz
Curtis Bryant
Eric Castagnet
Charles Dixon
Kevin English
George Farah
David Henry
Jaroslav Horvath
Richard Jackson
James "Flex" Lewis
Jeffrey Long
Roc Shabazz
Nathan Wosley
Kratak intervju favorita na Flexu...
FLEX: Who will be your biggest concerns in this show?
Lewis: David Henry is one. He beat me in the Tampa show. But David is beatable Kevin English beat him in the New York Pro show earlier in the year. Another name that can be thrown in there as a threat is Ray Arde, but as of yet, I haven't seen him in condition.
Henry: Those who I think have the best chance of coming after me would be Kevin English and Flex Lewis. Roc Shabazz is coming up really good, Ray Arde could be a factor in all this, as well.
FLEX: What are their strong points?
Lewis: David Henry would beat me with his back, but I would beat him from the waist down.
Henry: I haven't studied them, so I have no concerns about what strong points they might have. I just intend to do the best I can and see that everybody else is behind me.
FLEX: What are your strong points?
Lewis: If David is off, that will be my main ticket to take it. My track record is consistently good conditioning, as long as I don't do anything stupid the last week before the show. I've never missed a peak, so conditioning is my forte.
Henry: My back and my chest; and my overall shape is a great selling point. Some people also say my presentation has become superb.
FLEX: Will experience be a factor?
Lewis: Yes, it will. I was told that I had a case of the nerves in my first show, in Tampa, so I tried to put a different face on my confidence at the Europa by being a little more aggressive in the callouts. Kevin English is a pro and has been doing this for years, so he's recognizable on stage, instead of being just a number. The same with David Henry; he's a top-10 finisher in the Mr. Olympia, so, yes, that counts, as well. But on-stage experience? Yes, they outnumber me by many years, but if my homework has been done, I'll be stress free, and that should help.
Henry: Yes, experience makes a difference. I'm becoming more confident on stage and am trying to showcase my physique as much as I can. I also know now how these shows are judged, I know how to present my physique to the best of my ability, and I think I've added muscle maturity.
FLEX: What improvements have you made in the past year?
Lewis: My upper body, definitely. I didn't train my legs at all, last year, leaving me more time to concentrate on my upper body. I knew I was going to be standing on stage against the likes of these guys, so I trained all year with that mind-set. I was expecting Lee Priest to be in this class, too so that was added motivation.
Henry: I have more overall size, and I've added to my thighs. My partner and I have trained together and worked on a new diet. It's now where it should be. The New York and Tampa shows were the first events to showcase my new strategy, so that should say something.