Jedno je sigurno Fitness Olympia ce ove godine dobiti novu sampionku! Aktuelna, dvostruka sampionka Adela Garcia je tokom godine dozivjela tesku povredu ligamenata i morace da preskoci ovogodisnji nastup, i tako odlozi svoju trku za rekordom Susie Curry od 4 Fitness O osvojena naslova. Ali kao sto kazu The show must go on!
Preostale 5 od najboljih 6 od prosle godine ce nastupiti i ove godine, cak i Jen Hendershott, koja je odustala od svojih planova za povlacenje, tako da je proslogodisnja treca mozda i najveci favorit da u svom 9. uzastopnom nastupu na Fitness O osvoji konacno i titulu.
Ipak Kim Scheideler (ranije Klein), koja je u protekle tri godine uvijek bila vicesampionka je takodje odlucna da ide do kraja, i da osvoji veliku titulu, ako znamo da je uzela u martu Fitness International cini se da je ona favorit broj 1.
Nakon cijele sezona provedene medju NBC-jevim Americkim gladijatorima Tanji Johnson je vise nego spremna da napravi pometnju, uvijek zanimljiva Tracey Greenwood sa svojih 8 Pro pobjeda - medju kojima i tri posljednje ove sezone - Houston Pro, Europa Super Show i Atlantic City Pro, daju joj sigurno pravo da se nada visokom plasmanu.
Uz uvijek opasne Julie Palmer i Julie Lohre cini se da je na sceni najkompetitivniji line-up ikada.
Takmicenje: Fitness Olympia 2008
Kada: Petak, 26.septembar
Prejudging: Petak - 11 am, Las Vegas Convention Center South Hall
Finale: Friday - 7 pm, Orleans Arena
NAME: Jenny Hendershott
AGE: 36
HEIGHT: 5'3"
WEIGHT: 118 pounds
OLYMPIA HISTORY: 2000, 7th; 2001, 6th; 2002, 5th; 2003, 5th; 2004, 2nd; 2005, 1st; 2006, 3rd; 2007, 3rd
FLEX: Who besides Kim Schneider has a chance at the title? And don't say everyone.
Jen Hendershott: I am thinking its Adela Garcia's show! I love you Chica!
FLEX: Give me three reasons why you'll be the next Fitness Olympia winner.
Hendershott: I am hot! I am cute! And it's my 9th Olympia damn it!
FLEX: You always bring something new for your routines. What inspired this year's theme?
Hendershott: I am doing something cute, popular, and high energy. Nothing inspired it other then I have been wanting to do it. I am bringing a routine that is crammed full of two minutes of moves and entertainment. It will be plenty of bunny fun!
FLEX: Oh boy. Some say you dance too much in your routine and don't have enough strength moves or gymnastics. How do you feel about those comments and do you agree with them?
Hendershott: Honestly, I don't really care what some say. Kelly Ryan used to dance more then me and she won every routine round. Some people tumble to much, Some girls dance and they shouldn't, some girls try and be sexy and they are not. Its all opinions. I am not a gymnast nor do I try to be. I am strong but I don't need a bunch of strength moves to show that I am fit. I have a GREAT ASS, so I want to shake it! I have a dance and cheer background and that is why my routines are the most entertaining. People want to see high energy, aerobics and entertainment. This is fitness, a mixture of strength, dance, gymnastics et cetera ... it is what makes a routine a fitness routine. Isn't that what sells tickets?
FLEX: Well said. Any chance of you retiring if you win the O this year?
Hendershott: I am never retiring, I have decided to stay and compete till I am 50.
NAME: Tanji Johnson
AGE: 33
HEIGHT: 5'3"
WEIGHT: 118 pounds
OLYMPIA HISTORY: 2002, 9th (tie); 2004, 8th; 2005, 10th; 2006, 4th; 2007, 4th
FLEX: Did the injury you sustained on American Gladiators hinder your prep for the Olympia?
Johnson: Hinder? Well, it did not stop me, but it was a process I had to continually evaluate. I was not able to safely work on routine skills (tumbling, jumps, agility moves) until about four weeks ago. There are still a few gymnasitcs moves that I am choosing not to do. I have to ice my knee after every practice and have to be very efficient with my training. I do not have the luxury to overtrain my routine to build conditioning, et cetera. It has been a challenge, but a good challenge. I am doing things smarter and had to give my knee more recovery time before jumping back in, that's why I decided to skip the Houston and Europa Pro. My knee is not 100 percent, but I am giving 100 percent of what I have. That will be enough to make people forget that I was even injured when they see my routines. Again, its been a great challenge and I will encourage my peers, like Adela, to have faith that she will come back stronger and more efficient.
FLEX: How do you get past the mental aspect of an injury and prepare for the biggest show of the year??
Johnson: I am committed to dominating the mental game. I chose to be confident and not fearful. If I get hurt, I get hurt. But I am training to win, and choosing not to worry about my injury. I am taking care of my knee but focused as an athlete. My knee is not an issue for me. I do things I can do, and I've taken out things in my routine that I chose not to do. Everything is a calculated risk. I feel good about my decisions pertaining to the routine and I am moving forward confidently.
FLEX: Give me three reasons why you'll be the next Fitness Olympia.
Johnson: The most important is that I believe I can be. The second reason is I plan to present the best total package. My routines are going to be well rounded, packed with strength, high energy, flow, entertainment, and great execution. My physique is going to be a marketable balance of muscle, shape, conditioning and presentation. And the third reason is if God wills it to be, and that is where my peace lies. I am excited to compete.
FLEX: Who is a better dancer, you or Jen Hendershott and why?
Johnson: Haha! Is this your way of having a mini-press conference Isaac? Nice! Well, Jen and I are both great dancers. We have different dance styles and I am a huge Jenny fan, no doubt. Nothing but respect. I think I am a better hip-hop/thuggish/crunkish style dancer - do you know what any of this means? And I think Jenny is a better cheer/precision/traditional hip-hop dancer. We both excel in our styles.
FLEX: You said you dieted with your team a few weeks before the Olympia. How did that experiment work for you?
Johnson: I was happy with the results. It's amazing what some color and less water can do to a physique! It let me know that I was on track to looking my best for this year's Olympia. Again, excited and grateful for the opportunity to compete with a fine class of women! I hope everyone is at their best, as that is what the IFBB is all about. God Bless and thanks to everyone for supporting Fitness!