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Autor Tema: Johnnie Jackson at the 2008 USPF National Powerlifting Championships  (Pročitano 3467 puta)

Van mreže Polomac

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Johnnie Jackson at the 2008 USPF National Powerlifting Championships
« poslato: Jun 30, 2008, 09:17:01 posle podne »
Muscletime Exclusive: Johnnie Jackson at the 2008 USPF National Powerlifting Championships
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Written by Millard Baker   
Sunday, 29 June 2008

IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Johnnie Jackson competed in the 2008 United States Powerlifting Federation (USPF) National Powerlifting Championships in Warwick, Rhode Island on June 29, 2009. Johnnie entered the meet with goals of 900 lbs in the deadlift and 600 lbs in the bench press.

During the early morning weigh-in, there was a minor crisis as the Inzer-designed bench press shirt did not meet USPF regulations due to an open back. Johnnie was able to find an alternate shirt for the meet and the crisis was averted.

Johnnie opened the bench press competition with a first attempt of 468 lbs unaided by a bench shirt. His next two lifts were disqualified although he was clearly able to handle the heavy weight, including a 600 lb third attempt that was not allowed due to a slight dip in his right elbow toward the end of the lockout during which he strained his arm at the elbow.

Johnnie set a USPF World Record on his first attempt at deadlift with a pull of 345 kgs (760 lbs). His second deadlift attempt for 372.5 kg (821 lbs) was not allowed because he did not push his hips forward at the  top of the lift. His third and final attempt at 345 kgs was abandoned in mid-lift by Johnnie after he pulled his left hamstring. The injuries were initially a major concern for Johnnie since he is scheduled to compete in the 2008 IFBB Europa Pro show in seven weeks; but after further assessment, the injuries were relatively minor. Johnnie will still compete at the Europa.

Muscletime made the decision to cover this event a few days ago after learning that none of the major bodybuilding news magazines was going to commit sending anyone to meet. We felt that this meet was not only a big deal for Johnnie Jackson but also for the crediblity of the sport of bodybuilding. Johnnie definitely gained respect (on behalf of bodybuilding) from the powerlifting community.

We were able to take a limited number of photographs as well as live streaming and web video post today. There were many restrictions on photo and video, but Muscletime worked hard to obtain permissions to video Johnnie's lifts at the powerlifting meet for his many fans worldwide. The official photographs and DVD from the meet can be obtained from Santilli Photo & Video at 978-970-5316.

Muscletime's complete report on Johnnie Jackson and his bench press and deadlift competition at the 2008 USPF Nationals will be posted here shortly. Keep checking back. See streaming video of Johnnie's lifts below (after the photo(s)).

Johnnie Jackson warms up for deadlift competition during 2008 USPF National Powerlifting Championships in Rhode Island on June 2

Van mreže Vladar

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Odg: Johnnie Jackson at the 2008 USPF National Powerlifting Championships
« Odgovor #1 poslato: Jul 01, 2008, 12:09:25 pre podne »
Vjerovatno nije zadovoljan zbirom na kraju, ali i realno ako zeli da se bavi PL trebao bi vise da posveti paznje tom dijelu, da se cesce takmici i da ne pravi greske kao sto je ova sa majcom... A za sve je to vjerovatno potrebno vise nastupa, vise totala... etc ect... ovako da se samo s vremena na vrijeme negdje pojavi, reklo bi se nespreman za PL, moze samo da dozivi neku jos goru povredu od ovih koje je pretrpio, i da tako dovede u pitanju i bb karijeru...

I generalno mi uopste i ne ide u glavu da se neko istovremeno bavi PL i BB, ali dobro ako J.O.J. to voli siroku mu polje. ;)

Van mreže Robert Međugorac

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Odg: Johnnie Jackson at the 2008 USPF National Powerlifting Championships
« Odgovor #2 poslato: Septembar 04, 2008, 11:28:44 pre podne »
Kakav trapez! Koliko god puta ga vidio, uvijek me nanovo fascinira...
I ja se slazem, ovo je prilicno riskantno za pro bb. Uz bizarne ozljede poput Branchove ozljede tricepsa na stepenicama, nije potrebo ugroziti pro karijeru ovakvim natjecanjima. Ipak, on je veliki ciko, neka se natjece gdje god zeli :)