"I don't do aerobics (I guess you've guessed that by now). The one statement spewed by the aero-heads that I find most irksome is the prosaic quip, "What do you do for your heart?" Whenever I hear those insipid words, it makes me want to grab the cretin by his scrawny little neck and subject him to several sets of high-rep squatting! (How's your heart rate now, buddy!?!) Which brings me to my next point. When I was studying to get my certification to be a personal trainer (hoo, boy, remind me to tell you that story sometime), I reached a point where I couldn't take the idiocy any longer. You want me to believe that protein has nothing to do with muscle growth? Fine. You say that three meals a day provide all the nutrition I could possibly need? I'll take your word for it. You're telling me that studies show steroids don't work? Well, I'll be darned. But when they came out with the drivel that weight training will not improve one's cardiovascular condition, I just had to say,
"Excuse me? Er, professor, are you suggesting that if you were to take a previously untrained individual and put him on a weight training regime for six months, that at the end of that time he would show no improvement in cardiovascular ability than from the day he started?"
The instructor looked me square in the eye and said,
http://www.bodyessence.ca/Pages/Articles/aerobicvstrength/aerobicsdontwork.htmlE vala, tip je siguran da moze to uraditi i pazi kako reaguje... e sad je li u pravu ili nije ja necu komentarisat jer kako rekoh nacina treniranja ima raznih pa tako shodno s tim i razliciti su napredci... Ali da aerobikom se ne moze isto postic , on koji kaze da nikad nije radio aerobik , to tvrdi mislim stvarno ne znam ko da je-a fakat nemam pojma ko je nit me zanima kad ovako ovo citam... :x
Prvo treba razdvojit aerobne sportove koje on pominje i razne nezgode koje su se desile, od aerobika uz muziku - ja se drzim aerobika i njegovih komentara koji se vezu za to.
On se drzi bb-a i uporedjuje s ovim a nigdje veze-dva razlicita svijeta. Tacno je da bavljenjem sportom trebas otopiti masti i ojacati misice dobiti na masi malo i definiciji, nema smisla baviti se sportom da bi samo smrsali-to nije logicno ili ono misliti da cemo ostati izgledom kakvi smo i bili ali eto s par manje kilica-nema sile...misici se sami pocnu oblikovat , jacati i definisat i tu nema price.Ne znam sto to pominje u tekstu toliko je glupo to napominjat...
I sad jacanje srca kao misica ne radi se kondicionim treningom vec bb treningom... :? E i onda da se kardio trening i aerobni skroz izbaci
"Still not convinced? Try this test for one month. Train exactly as you do now, but eliminate all aerobic activity from your exercise regime. Since you'll be expending less energy, you may want to up the poundages a tad, or at least add a couple of extra reps to each set. Continue to eat as you are now, making sure to eat every three hours and maintain a high intake of protein. At the end of one month, I guarantee you that none of your aerobic ability will be lost. You'll also have more energy, fuller-looking muscles, and the exact same body fat percentage that you have now. Trust me."
Pa ja srecem takve svakodnevno ne mogu disat jadnici... Ja se ogradjujem stvarno od kritika onog sto ne poznajem i sto nisam probala. Ovaj tekst me toliko iritira sto covjek ne podrzava ni jedan sport sem bb i nista drugo ne valja osim toga, te bilo koji drugi nacin dovodjenja tijela u formu ne valja sem bb-a. Toliko zadrto osudjuje povrede u ostalim sportovima kao da se u bb ljudi ne povredjuju mislim ono :roll: ...
Totalno los tekst po mom misljenju!