negde se vec raspravljalo o tome..naime..jedan od vrhunskih STRUCNJKA iz srbije koji se sa ovim i ovom tematikom bavi vec preko 1.5 godina...da..dobro si cuo..ili da naopisem..jednu i pol godinu cirka..odlucio je mao da se gajda sa studijma....
ali vidi..ja necu ovde da pricam i trosim vrhove prstiju vise oko toga..
moras da shvatis jednu stvar....ti koji laprdaju takve glupisti to rade iz dva razloga..zbgo licne isfrustrianosti licnim izgledom i zbog finaincjiskog dela....
isto bi bilo kada bih ja sada krenuo da serem po GH ili po MGF irz razloga sto 1iu kosta toliko i toliko i ja ne mogu da ga kupim..
onda cu an internetu da nadjem stetne posledice istog i onda cu da udaram po toj tacki do inemoglsti kako to nije dobro..a ne zato jer odista mislim da nije dobro vec zato jer nemam para za to.
u ovom prica taj strucdnjak o tome da glm nije dobar vec dane radi.....a ne radi..jer on nema para...itd..itd..itd..da se sada ne vrtimo u krug.....
i veoma jednsotavno....evo ti pa citaj ovo..mislim da ce ti biti vise nego jasno.
Anticatabolic #1 Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA)
What is It 3 amino acids called leucine, isoleucine and valine
How It Works
Nothing is more frustrating for a dieting bodybuilder then eating fewer calories only to fail to “lean out.” While dieting promotes a reduction in body fat, it also can cause a loss of hard earned muscle mass. That’s where BCAA help. BCAA amino acids can be burned as fuel thereby sparing the body from burning its own muscle. The result; you hold muscle while dieting. BCAA’s also help support anabolism- the build-up of muscle tissue. So; you get double support- anti-catabolic and anabolic actions.
How To Use It
3-5 grams before training and another 3-5 grams after training. This used to be the best bet in bodybuilding before the advent of higher dose leucine products.
Anti-Catabolic #2 Leucine
What is It
One of the BCAA’s,. In fact, the most potent and ant-catabolic
How It Works
Leucine can energize working muscles and when muscles have the fuel mix they need, muscles are less likely to be destroyed and broken down. Another interesting tidbit; leucine and also supports insulin release, which prevents muscle breakdown, thereby acting as an anti-catabolic. Recently, MuscleTech developed an even more effective version of leucine called Leukic. Taken as recommended, it probably exerts one of the strongest anti-catabolic effects on the body outside of using anabolic steroids. Leukic increases protein synthesis- the build up of muscle tissue – without the dangerous hormonal effects associated with steroids. It’s become one of the most used supplements in all of sports today.
How To Use It
6 caplets of Leukic will give you 7.2 grams of Leuciine-ketoisocaproic acid.
Anti-Catabolic #3 Arginine and Lysine
What is It
Arginine is one of those amino acids food scientists term “conditionally essential” - meaning it is a “must have” during periods of high stress. Guess what: hardcore training and strict dieting fit that description. Lysine is another amino acid. While lysine by itself doesn’t seem to be a big deal, when combined with arginine, it is very beneficial.
How It Works
Combining the two amino acids increases growth hormone. When that happens the body starts to burn a lot more fat as fuel, leaving protein and muscle reserves unscathed. Arginine can also facilitate blood flow to muscles and greater blood flow triggers the release of chemical messengers in muscles that help protect against muscle breakdown.
How To Use It
3-5 grams of arginine and 3-5 grams of lysine 60 minutes before training.
Anti-Catabolic #4 Glutamine
What is It
Like arginine, it’s one of those amino acids the body needs when under added amounts of stress. A no-brainer; bodybuilding training is extremely stressful, so this is another important nutrient affecting muscle tissue.
How It Works
Boosts the amount of water stored in muscles. Greater water content, generally, helps off set muscle loss and breakdown. It also suppresses cortisol levels and cortisol control is helpful in off setting excessive muscle breakdown and destruction.
How To Use It
A lot of bodybuilders report a dose dependent effect. That is, the more you take, the better. Try 7-12 grams before and another 7-12 grams after training.
Anti-Catabolic #5 Garlic
What is It
This flavorful herb common to Asian, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern cooking has quite a rep going back thousands of years. Turns out, bodybuilders might be able to benefit.
How It Works
Well, we know it’s a great benefit for those hoping to improve heart-health, but from a hardcore bodybuilding perspective, it might offer hormonal support. Animal studies show garlic combined with casein protein results in less cortisol one of the catabolic or “muscle eating” hormones.
How To Use It
40-50 mgs twice daily with a protein meal.
Anti-Catabolic #6 Casein
What is It
Casein is the principle protein in milk, the curd that forms when milk is left to soar.
How It Works
All proteins offers both anabolic and anti-catabolic effects but casein is somewhat unique in that is a longer lasting protein, taking a couple of hours to really reach the blood stream and lingering there for up to 7 hours. The continuous release makes it an ideal night-time source of protein to be taken before bed. When you sleep, you always risk slipping into a catabolic state where muscle tissue is broken down.
How To Use
40-60 grams before bed
Anti-Catabolic #7 Vitamin C
What is It
Water soluble vitamin.
How It Works
Cushions the effects of free radicals, the oxidative compounds released with hardcore training. Unfortunately, free radicals contribute to muscle inflammation and breakdown. C also helps control excessive cortisol levels which can potentially chew up muscle mass.
How To Use 1000 mgs taken in the post training meal
Anti-Catabolic #8 Vitamin E
What is It
Fat Soluble vitamin
How It Works
Helps fight free radical over production that is accompanies with hard training or over-dieting. Over production of free radicals can poke tiny holes in muscle tissue creating a muscle breakdown state. E has been shown to decrease creatine kinase activity, a marker for muscle fiber damage. In short, E protects your muscles.
How To Use
200-400 mgs taken daily with breakfast