da li deks uzimam samo posle treninga ili mogu i sa drugim shake-om 30-60 min nakon postworkout shake ?
...a zasto pijes dva seejka..tj jedan odmah posle treninga..sto je super...ali zbog cega ovaj drugi ...
citao sam clanak od John Berardia inace , mozda i najbolji, nutrcionista , njegovih clanaka ima i na milosevom sajtu .
evo ti taj deo clanka :
ovo je sastav koli preporucuje :
But since strength athletes don't deplete their glycogen stores as badly as endurance athletes, they would need fewer total calories. With this said, I believe it's reasonable to suggest that a strength athlete consume one meal of 0.8g of carbohydrate and 0.4 g of protein / kg of body weight immediately after training.
a ovo je zasto pitam :
This means that the 154 lb weight lifter would need 56 g of carbs and 28 g of protein while the 220 lb weight lifter would need about 80 g of carbs and 40 g of protein after a weight-training workout. Since glycogen synthesis rates are so high in strength athletes, they would only need to consume this type of meal immediately after the workout and then resume normal eating about 2-3 hours later.
If the strength athlete is in a bulking cycle, the post-workout recommendations would include 2 servings of recommended formula, one immediately after training and one 30-60 minutes later. Normal eating could be resumed 2-3 hours later.