Ako usvojimo da je cinjenica (ja verujem da jeste) da za Basa nema tajni u MMA i pogledamo sta on kaze
Bas Rutten, posting at the Sherdog Forums, says Kimbo is one of the hardest-working fighters he's seen:
OK guys, I have to say something here.
I am training Kimbo right now, and I have to say that he is one of the BEST fighters I have EVER trained. He really listens to you and does what you say, do you know how hard that it? If he's dead tired, and I tell him five more rounds, he looks at me, but doesn't say anything, he just does it.
I entroduced him to the Bas Rutten MMA workout, he was SO tired, he told me that he has never been as tired. Today I was teaching him again, he asked me in the beginning "Are we ging to do the Bas Rutten workout?" But he said it in a crazy way, so I asked him "Do you want to do it?". He said "Please, yes!" I asked him why, because all my PROFESSIONAL fighters don't want to do it.
He said "Bas, I want to conquer this thing, I want to do it!" Man, he gets, Lots, and losts of respect!
All the shit that people write about him, I am telling you, and I hope you know I don't lie, he's a trooper! I wish that all my fighters would be like him. Even my wife loves the guy. He is SO respectful and uses NO bad language in front of kids (my two little daughters love him, and they don't like anybody!), I am REALLY, blown away.
He really deserves this, I think this. Can a boxer be a MMA FIGHTER? We all know the answer, but can a street fighter be an MMA fighter? We all KNOW the answer to that!
I would wish that all my fighters were like him, like I said, I can put him through every workout I give him, he WILL do it, no questions asked.
I hope you guys meet Kimbo one day, you will be blown away. I just came back from an MMA event and I brought him there, just see how he is with the fans, it's crazy!
You also know that I would NEVER train an asshole, so trust me, but he's got me, Shawn Tompkins (who trained him longer than I have,) and Randy Kathami (boxing coach for my gym) respect. I REALLY love the guy.
Ne verujem da bi ga Bas trenirao cisto da se izbruka. On cvrsto veruje u Kimba, kao i ja. Imam neke video snimke njegovih treninga u parteru i bas ih gledam. Bio bi iznenadjen da vidis kakav je u parteru. Nije kao brazilci ali je daleko od toga da je neupucen.
Nazalost vecina snimaka koje imam su iz privatne Kimbove kolekcije pa ih ne bih postovao, postujuci njegovu zelju.