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Autor Tema: Kimbo vs. James Thompson  (Pročitano 12993 puta)

Van mreže Vladar

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Kimbo vs. James Thompson
« poslato: April 03, 2008, 02:44:25 pre podne »
Krajem svibnja EliteXC organizira priredbu u suradnji s televizijskom kućom CBS pod naslovom CBS Saturday Night Fights. Priredba će se održati u Prudential Centeru u New Jerseyu. Thompson se na tom eventu trebao boriti s Ronom Watermanom. Iz razloga što se Watermanov ugovor nije mogao ostvarati James Thompson će se boriti s Kimbom Sliceom. Thompson je u zadnjih osam borbi pobjedio samo Don Fryea i Hidehiko Yoshide a izgubio je čak šest borbi.

Thompson je u svojoj karijeri nastupio u 23 borbe od čega je 14 puta pobjedio, 8 puta izgubio i imao 1 remi, dok s druge strane Kimbo Slice je imao samo 3 borbe i 3 pobjede nokautom. Thompson svoj svoj posao prije MMA borbi opisuje kao utjerivanje dugova. Kimbo Slice je poznat po svojim uličnim borbama koje su se brzo proširile internetom nakon čega je potpisao ugovor s MMA organizacijom EliteXC. Kimbo trenutno trenira s umirovljenim MMA borcem Basom Ruttenom.


Van mreže klearh

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Odg: Kimbo vs. James Thompson
« Odgovor #1 poslato: April 03, 2008, 10:26:18 posle podne »
Kimbo zvezda u usponu dobija renomiranog protivnika,mada mozda borca koji je na zalasku karijere
"ili sa stitom ili na njemu"

Van mreže Milan J

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Odg: Kimbo vs. James Thompson
« Odgovor #2 poslato: April 04, 2008, 02:17:41 pre podne »
Evo malo ekskluzivnih fotografija

"Every man dies. Not every man really squats" R.I.P. Jesse Marunde

Van mreže Vladar

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Odg: Kimbo vs. James Thompson
« Odgovor #3 poslato: April 04, 2008, 02:34:25 pre podne »
Bravo, odlicne slike, a ti si uvijek u centru zbivanja!  ;bravi;

Van mreže left hook

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Odg: Kimbo vs. James Thompson
« Odgovor #4 poslato: April 04, 2008, 08:27:43 pre podne »
kimbo ce pobijediti tko u prvoj rundi.thompson je ogroman i jak ali nema izdrzljivosti i vjestine i ima staklenu bradu:-(

Van mreže TheNatural

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Odg: Kimbo vs. James Thompson
« Odgovor #5 poslato: April 04, 2008, 02:59:18 posle podne »
James Thompson nije na zalasku karijere...

Ja se radujem ovoj borbi, nadam se da ce James prekinuti gubitnicki niz i staviti Kimbo-a tamo gde mu je mesto...nazad na ulicu.
“If he kept standing in front of me like that, I knew that sooner or later I'd catch him. The first jab I hit him with, it wasn't much, but it started to swell his eye.”

Van mreže Milan J

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Odg: Kimbo vs. James Thompson
« Odgovor #6 poslato: April 04, 2008, 07:55:59 posle podne »
James Thompson nije na zalasku karijere...

Ja se radujem ovoj borbi, nadam se da ce James prekinuti gubitnicki niz i staviti Kimbo-a tamo gde mu je mesto...nazad na ulicu.

A zasto mislis da je Kimbu mesto nazad na ulici?
"Every man dies. Not every man really squats" R.I.P. Jesse Marunde

Van mreže Milan J

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Odg: Kimbo vs. James Thompson
« Odgovor #7 poslato: April 04, 2008, 07:59:11 posle podne »
Bravo, odlicne slike, a ti si uvijek u centru zbivanja!  ;bravi;

Hvala, hvala... Ne verujem da neko ima tu mogucnost da gvirne kao ja. Nego samo za Vladara i Left hook jedan ekskluzivni video koji sam ja napravio i montirao.
"Every man dies. Not every man really squats" R.I.P. Jesse Marunde

Van mreže Milan J

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Odg: Kimbo vs. James Thompson
« Odgovor #8 poslato: April 04, 2008, 08:01:35 posle podne »
Kimbo zvezda u usponu dobija renomiranog protivnika,mada mozda borca koji je na zalasku karijere

Tako se pocinje. prvo ga hrane sa protivnicima koji su manje opasni pa dolaze na red neizvesniji. jedno je sigurno, Kimbo je rodjeni borac.
"Every man dies. Not every man really squats" R.I.P. Jesse Marunde

Van mreže TheNatural

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Odg: Kimbo vs. James Thompson
« Odgovor #9 poslato: April 04, 2008, 08:13:17 posle podne »
Mislim da je on odlican prospekt za organizaciju u kojoj se bori, ali ne verujem da ce imati uspeha... Realno, cim mu udele tezeg protivnika doci ce do izrazaja njegov slab rad na zemlji (sto do sada nismo imali prilike da vidimo ali u svakom slucaju nije mogao za tako kratko vreme da nauci).
James ume da iznenadi, ali mislim da ce i ovo biti lak posao za Kimba. Gotivim sto trenira sa Basom, ali mislim da ce se sa njim desiti isto sto i sa Houstonom Alexanderom.
“If he kept standing in front of me like that, I knew that sooner or later I'd catch him. The first jab I hit him with, it wasn't much, but it started to swell his eye.”

Van mreže Milan J

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Odg: Kimbo vs. James Thompson
« Odgovor #10 poslato: April 04, 2008, 08:24:47 posle podne »
Ako usvojimo da je cinjenica (ja verujem da jeste) da za Basa nema tajni u MMA i pogledamo sta on kaze

Bas Rutten, posting at the Sherdog Forums, says Kimbo is one of the hardest-working fighters he's seen:

    OK guys, I have to say something here.

    I am training Kimbo right now, and I have to say that he is one of the BEST fighters I have EVER trained. He really listens to you and does what you say, do you know how hard that it? If he's dead tired, and I tell him five more rounds, he looks at me, but doesn't say anything, he just does it.

    I entroduced him to the Bas Rutten MMA workout, he was SO tired, he told me that he has never been as tired. Today I was teaching him again, he asked me in the beginning "Are we ging to do the Bas Rutten workout?" But he said it in a crazy way, so I asked him "Do you want to do it?". He said "Please, yes!" I asked him why, because all my PROFESSIONAL fighters don't want to do it.
    He said "Bas, I want to conquer this thing, I want to do it!" Man, he gets, Lots, and losts of respect!

    All the shit that people write about him, I am telling you, and I hope you know I don't lie, he's a trooper! I wish that all my fighters would be like him. Even my wife loves the guy. He is SO respectful and uses NO bad language in front of kids (my two little daughters love him, and they don't like anybody!), I am REALLY, blown away.

    He really deserves this, I think this. Can a boxer be a MMA FIGHTER? We all know the answer, but can a street fighter be an MMA fighter? We all KNOW the answer to that!

    I would wish that all my fighters were like him, like I said, I can put him through every workout I give him, he WILL do it, no questions asked.

    I hope you guys meet Kimbo one day, you will be blown away. I just came back from an MMA event and I brought him there, just see how he is with the fans, it's crazy!

    You also know that I would NEVER train an asshole, so trust me, but he's got me, Shawn Tompkins (who trained him longer than I have,) and Randy Kathami (boxing coach for my gym) respect. I REALLY love the guy.

Ne verujem da bi ga Bas trenirao cisto da se izbruka. On cvrsto veruje u Kimba, kao i ja. Imam neke video snimke njegovih treninga u parteru i bas ih gledam. Bio bi iznenadjen da vidis kakav je u parteru. Nije kao brazilci ali je daleko od toga da je neupucen.

Nazalost vecina snimaka koje imam su iz privatne Kimbove kolekcije pa ih ne bih postovao, postujuci njegovu zelju.
"Every man dies. Not every man really squats" R.I.P. Jesse Marunde

Van mreže left hook

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Odg: Kimbo vs. James Thompson
« Odgovor #11 poslato: April 04, 2008, 08:42:40 posle podne »
Ako usvojimo da je cinjenica (ja verujem da jeste) da za Basa nema tajni u MMA i pogledamo sta on kaze

Bas Rutten, posting at the Sherdog Forums, says Kimbo is one of the hardest-working fighters he's seen:

    OK guys, I have to say something here.

    I am training Kimbo right now, and I have to say that he is one of the BEST fighters I have EVER trained. He really listens to you and does what you say, do you know how hard that it? If he's dead tired, and I tell him five more rounds, he looks at me, but doesn't say anything, he just does it.

    I entroduced him to the Bas Rutten MMA workout, he was SO tired, he told me that he has never been as tired. Today I was teaching him again, he asked me in the beginning "Are we ging to do the Bas Rutten workout?" But he said it in a crazy way, so I asked him "Do you want to do it?". He said "Please, yes!" I asked him why, because all my PROFESSIONAL fighters don't want to do it.
    He said "Bas, I want to conquer this thing, I want to do it!" Man, he gets, Lots, and losts of respect!

    All the shit that people write about him, I am telling you, and I hope you know I don't lie, he's a trooper! I wish that all my fighters would be like him. Even my wife loves the guy. He is SO respectful and uses NO bad language in front of kids (my two little daughters love him, and they don't like anybody!), I am REALLY, blown away.

    He really deserves this, I think this. Can a boxer be a MMA FIGHTER? We all know the answer, but can a street fighter be an MMA fighter? We all KNOW the answer to that!

    I would wish that all my fighters were like him, like I said, I can put him through every workout I give him, he WILL do it, no questions asked.

    I hope you guys meet Kimbo one day, you will be blown away. I just came back from an MMA event and I brought him there, just see how he is with the fans, it's crazy!

    You also know that I would NEVER train an asshole, so trust me, but he's got me, Shawn Tompkins (who trained him longer than I have,) and Randy Kathami (boxing coach for my gym) respect. I REALLY love the guy.

Ne verujem da bi ga Bas trenirao cisto da se izbruka. On cvrsto veruje u Kimba, kao i ja. Imam neke video snimke njegovih treninga u parteru i bas ih gledam. Bio bi iznenadjen da vidis kakav je u parteru. Nije kao brazilci ali je daleko od toga da je neupucen.

Nazalost vecina snimaka koje imam su iz privatne Kimbove kolekcije pa ih ne bih postovao, postujuci njegovu zelju.
sto se tice grappling nije to sad neki bauk dobar je u stojci i neka takav i ostane...

Van mreže Vladar

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Odg: Kimbo vs. James Thompson
« Odgovor #12 poslato: April 05, 2008, 01:43:32 pre podne »
Hvala, hvala... Ne verujem da neko ima tu mogucnost da gvirne kao ja. Nego samo za Vladara i Left hook jedan ekskluzivni video koji sam ja napravio i montirao.

Odlicno si spakovao Kimba u pricu o Spartancima, dopada mi se!  ;bravi;

Van mreže TheNatural

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Odg: Kimbo vs. James Thompson
« Odgovor #13 poslato: April 05, 2008, 02:14:44 pre podne »
Ako usvojimo da je cinjenica (ja verujem da jeste) da za Basa nema tajni u MMA i pogledamo sta on kaze

Bas Rutten, posting at the Sherdog Forums, says Kimbo is one of the hardest-working fighters he's seen:

    OK guys, I have to say something here.

    I am training Kimbo right now, and I have to say that he is one of the BEST fighters I have EVER trained. He really listens to you and does what you say, do you know how hard that it? If he's dead tired, and I tell him five more rounds, he looks at me, but doesn't say anything, he just does it.

    I entroduced him to the Bas Rutten MMA workout, he was SO tired, he told me that he has never been as tired. Today I was teaching him again, he asked me in the beginning "Are we ging to do the Bas Rutten workout?" But he said it in a crazy way, so I asked him "Do you want to do it?". He said "Please, yes!" I asked him why, because all my PROFESSIONAL fighters don't want to do it.
    He said "Bas, I want to conquer this thing, I want to do it!" Man, he gets, Lots, and losts of respect!

    All the shit that people write about him, I am telling you, and I hope you know I don't lie, he's a trooper! I wish that all my fighters would be like him. Even my wife loves the guy. He is SO respectful and uses NO bad language in front of kids (my two little daughters love him, and they don't like anybody!), I am REALLY, blown away.

    He really deserves this, I think this. Can a boxer be a MMA FIGHTER? We all know the answer, but can a street fighter be an MMA fighter? We all KNOW the answer to that!

    I would wish that all my fighters were like him, like I said, I can put him through every workout I give him, he WILL do it, no questions asked.

    I hope you guys meet Kimbo one day, you will be blown away. I just came back from an MMA event and I brought him there, just see how he is with the fans, it's crazy!

    You also know that I would NEVER train an asshole, so trust me, but he's got me, Shawn Tompkins (who trained him longer than I have,) and Randy Kathami (boxing coach for my gym) respect. I REALLY love the guy.

Ne verujem da bi ga Bas trenirao cisto da se izbruka. On cvrsto veruje u Kimba, kao i ja. Imam neke video snimke njegovih treninga u parteru i bas ih gledam. Bio bi iznenadjen da vidis kakav je u parteru. Nije kao brazilci ali je daleko od toga da je neupucen.

Nazalost vecina snimaka koje imam su iz privatne Kimbove kolekcije pa ih ne bih postovao, postujuci njegovu zelju.

ovaj clanak stvarno objasnjava neke znam kako nisam naleteo na njega na sherdogu

hvala puno, odlican tekst.
stvarno daje prikaz o Kimbu iz drugog ugla...
“If he kept standing in front of me like that, I knew that sooner or later I'd catch him. The first jab I hit him with, it wasn't much, but it started to swell his eye.”

Van mreže klearh

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Odg: Kimbo vs. James Thompson
« Odgovor #14 poslato: April 05, 2008, 01:04:04 posle podne »
Kimbo zvezda u usponu dobija renomiranog protivnika,mada mozda borca koji je na zalasku karijere

Tako se pocinje. prvo ga hrane sa protivnicima koji su manje opasni pa dolaze na red neizvesniji. jedno je sigurno, Kimbo je rodjeni borac.
Znam,pametan menadjment...Svaka cast za snimak..
"ili sa stitom ili na njemu"