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Autor Tema: ALI TABRIZI  (Pročitano 19923 puta)

Van mreže Polomac

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« poslato: Mart 31, 2008, 07:03:03 posle podne »
I was born in 1972 (Mashad - Iran)
I have four brothers and three sisters and I got married in 1996. I
started wrestling since I was sixteen. At the age of 18, I started boxing and body
building. Shortly after, I began body building professionally. In 1997, I
became a member of Iran's national team and held the championship title for
six consecutive years from 1997-2003. In 2003, I signed a contract with
Qatar, and stayed on with them until late 2006. I became the champion at the
international competition, that was performed in Czech Republic (In weight 90 kg) . I
could be a champion at a competition, that the winner of each weight were
attended on it, and I achieved the title overall body building champion on 2006 in
2006 competition, the U.S. representative for Vider invited me officially to
attend in 2007 Mr Olympia.

I have Gained The First Place In This Competition

1. Iranian championship between (1997-2003) and a members of Iran
international team

2. The championship of Middle East's countries at (Tournament-Kuwait) in

3. Asian championship - Taiwan-1999 (2nd in 85 kg)

4. The championship of the best body in Asian (1st - Korea-2001)

5. The championship of the best body in Asian (Ghazaghestan 2003) (1st in 90

6. Gain the title of the most improved body builder in World Championship
(India 2003)

7. The championship of middle East's countries, won open Golden Cup

8. The second world championship in (2003-India)

9. The championship of the best body in Asian (1st in Bahrain-2004)

10. The championship of Middle East's countries, won open Golden Cup in 2004

11. The Asian championship (Andong Korea-2005) (1st - 90 kg)

12. (2nd) countries (2005 and 2006) in Qatar, won open Golden Cup

13. The world championship in (China-2005) (1st - 90 kg)

14.- 2nd The world championship (Duisborg-Germany) 2005

15. The world championship (Czech republic-2006) (1st - 90 kg)

16. The overall champion body building in 2006

17. The Asian game Doha - Qatar (1st - 90)

18. The owner of the most handsome body in Asian

19. The owner of the highest athletics degree at nutrition and
supplementary, from international federation body building (IFBB) and Asian federation

GYM Club's Address :
Tehran: No:# 13, Gym house sport, Hossein khorasani St, Quitaria
Tel : +98 21-2224-6405-7

Mashad: The Tabrizi brother's Gym club Rahnamaee Square, near the Palestine
St. on the left side Mashad-Iran
Tel : +98 511-8423563

Sales office athletics supplementary Hassan Tabrizi
plate numbers 37. matrix shop, Poya Passage, Sajjad Blvd
Tel : +98 511-7623700
mobile : +98 9155157672


Van mreže Polomac

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« Odgovor #1 poslato: Mart 31, 2008, 07:07:29 posle podne »
Bodybuilding Receives Boost With Tabrizi Visit
Mahmoud Ahmad, Arab News

All muscle and brawn: Ali Tabrizi displays his form. (AN photos by Salman Al-Marzouqi)    

JEDDAH, 28 March 2008 — A heavyweight, literally and figuratively, walked into the posh Kai Fitness Center at Al-Hamra district here. Iranian-born Qatari national Ali Tabrizi, a three-time world bodybuilding champion, was in the Kingdom on a private visit last week. During his first visit to the country Tabrizi had the chance to perform Umrah in Makkah and visit the Grand Mosque in Madinah.

Kai Fitness Center owner Badr Al-Shebani invited Tabrizi as part of his efforts to promote bodybuilding in the Kingdom. Tabrizi was highly impressed with the state-of-the-art equipment at the center where, he said, “even professional bodybuilders would love to come and train.”

Tabrizi, in an interview with Arab News, said he was looking forward to the day when bodybuilding grows big in Saudi Arabia like it is now in Iran, which has produced some of the world’s famous bodybuilders.

Born in Mashad, Iran, the 35-year old Tabrizi, who owns impressive credentials as well as the most handsome body in Asia, took up the sport at the age of 16 and a year later won his first bodybuilding championship at school level. In 1997, he became a member of Iran’s national team and was the national champion for six consecutive years from 1997-2003. In 2003, he signed a contract with Qatar, and stayed on to become a citizen.

“My ambition exceeds far greater than what I had already achieved,” said Tabrizi. “My main target is to enter the professional level and when that happens, I will become the first man from the Gulf to be professional in this sport.”

Tabrizi is considered one of the most well-known sport personalities in Iran. He has a huge following in his native country and a big bodybuilding club in Tehran. He said, “This sport is highly popular in Iran and it is improving now especially after the bodybuilding federation separated from the weightlifting federation.

In Tehran there are over 1,300 bodybuilding clubs and there are 4 million bodybuilders in Iran as a whole.”

He said the reason there are no known names in this sport in the international level is that there was no support for the players or internal programs for this sport. There are only internal competitions.

He predicts Iran to make a huge impact on the international level because there are programs that care for bodybuilders and prepare them for the Asian and international level. As for Qatar, he said ever since Muhammad Yousuf Al-Manie became head of the bodybuilding federation in 2002 things improved dramatically in Qatar.

He said, “He has a vision for the sport. In 2003, he imported experienced people in this sport and professional trainers with long experience. It is because of Al-Manie’s vision that Qatar is the best in this sport in the Gulf level and only Egypt is competing with Qatar in the Arab level. He started to organize training camps inside and outside Qatar and supported all the players financially.” One of the reasons why the sport is not popular in the Gulf is that so much money is being poured to other sports such as football and volleyball. He defended the idea of giving citizenship to champions because they help spur the growth of the sport domestically.

He said that he was recruited by Qatar along with the Libyan champion Kamal Abdul Salam to represent the country in Asian and international level. After they achieved some good results, many Qatari youths began taking up the sport, with more bodybuilding centers built and people became more aware of the sport.

“Saudi Arabia should bring some superstars to this sport so they could promote it and compete using Saudi names and attract more people to the sport,” he said. Tabrizi said in bodybuilding the genetic and physical appearance of the player weighs heavily whether one has the potential to become a bodybuilder or not.

“Out of one thousand players, maybe one is fit to become a bodybuilding champion,” he said. Tabrizi is joining the professional federation soon after his contract with the Qatari federation ends. He said that since he is Iranian-born, he could not forget Iran but that he would compete under the colors of the Qatari flag because of what Qatar did for him.

While winning championships in the Asian and Gulf levels, Tabrizi managed to also claim world titles in 2003, 2005 and 2006. He competes in the 85 to 90kg weight category.

Van mreže Polomac

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« Odgovor #2 poslato: April 01, 2008, 12:10:23 posle podne »
Ali Tabrizi's triceps routine
Flex,  July, 2007  by Greg Merritt,  Jim Stopani

EXERCISE                  SETS  REPS

Rope pushdowns            3     12-15
Lying triceps extensions  3     12-15
Dips                      3     12-15

NOTES: Iranian Ali Tabrizi currently lives in Qatar. He won the
light-heavyweight and overall at the 2006 IFBB Amateur World
Championships. He trains triceps twice per week.


  • Gost
« Odgovor #3 poslato: April 01, 2008, 12:14:44 posle podne »

Van mreže nellle

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« Odgovor #4 poslato: April 01, 2008, 12:16:20 posle podne »
jer to znaci suplementi?
pa dal je moguce da te zanima sta ovaj lik uzima od suplemenata?

Van mreže TTgirl

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  • You are very cute,but I am on diet:)
« Odgovor #5 poslato: April 01, 2008, 12:19:02 posle podne »
Pa dobro ne interesuje svakog odmah hemijica :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :mrgreen: 'goodboy'hihhi..

"What's meant to be...will always find it's way...":)

Van mreže nellle

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« Odgovor #6 poslato: April 01, 2008, 12:28:45 posle podne »
ma ne interesuje mene hemija ali pitati sta pro bilder koristi od suplemenata je cista glupost....

Van mreže Kralj ist Back-Bakic

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« Odgovor #7 poslato: April 01, 2008, 12:57:17 posle podne »
TACNO!!! Kluc.ili Tajna uspjeha  u BB je (pokusacu u nekoliko tacaka da objasnim)
1.Poceti vezbati od ranih godina (u teretanu)15-16g.
2.Imati Genetiku za BB.(tip tela)
3.Trenirati jako pravilno redovno i bez velikih prekida pauza i slicno(znaci uzastopno)
4.Hraniti se po propisima za BB ishranu(protein,uglj.hidr,masti suplementacija)
5.Edukovati se(citati pratiti uciti sta se zbiva u BB svet i sve vezano uz BB)
6.Voditi evidenciju(trening,ishrana,suplementacija,napredak,probleme,obemi,kilaza itd..)
7.Raditi planski(postoji periodizacija) faza kad se ide na (masa) tako zvana,faza odrzavanje,faza Definisanje(skidanje fett)
8.Dovoljno poznavati Medicinu(tj.telo,funkcije organa,hormona itd..)
9.Imati dobru(originalnu i siroku paletu AAS i sve sto je za Takmicarski bb potrebno)
10.Finansije za sve sto je potrebno za BB
11.Sve ovo skupa neprekidno raditi (upraznjavati) godinama daje rezultat Bilder Svetske klase!
P.S. Dopunite me ako sam nesto slucajno zaboravio!??!!


ma ne interesuje mene hemija ali pitati sta pro bilder koristi od suplemenata je cista glupost....
Kralj ist Back


  • Gost
« Odgovor #8 poslato: April 01, 2008, 02:58:21 posle podne »
ma ne interesuje mene hemija ali pitati sta pro bilder koristi od suplemenata je cista glupost....
sto glupost brate? a kad je pedja postavio suplementaciju samo sto server nije pao... naravno da svakoga zanima to.

Van mreže H2SO4

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« Odgovor #9 poslato: April 01, 2008, 05:05:54 posle podne »
lik ubija
haos !!!!!
matere mi matere,
kupicu ti dimije

Van mreže markoni87

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« Odgovor #10 poslato: April 01, 2008, 05:07:17 posle podne »
Noge i listovi su fenomenalni.

Van mreže Vladar

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« Odgovor #11 poslato: April 01, 2008, 07:44:49 posle podne »

Van mreže Polomac

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« Odgovor #12 poslato: April 01, 2008, 07:58:01 posle podne »
Da stvarno odlican,ovo su mu cini mi se fotosi od pre par godina..Sjajna takmicarska karijera...

Van mreže Boj@n.R

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« Odgovor #13 poslato: April 01, 2008, 08:17:41 posle podne »
Bas dobar bilderas, simetrican je jako!

Van mreže Umetnik

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« Odgovor #14 poslato: April 04, 2008, 11:33:40 posle podne »
dobar na leb da ga mazes
nijedna imperija nije stvorena preko noci